Saturday, August 26, 2006

Who Let the Pluto Out?

I personally feel very sad that one of our friend since child hood has been kicked out our family. You migt be thinking of some one else, but I'm talking about our commen friend 'Pluto' - who is the member of our one and only Solar family in the whole universe!

At a meeting in Prague, the International Astronomical Union stripped Pluto of the planetary status it has held since its discovery in 1930.From its discovery in 1930 until 2006 it was considered the ninth and smallest of the planets of the Solar System

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) came up with historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight after a tumultuous week of clashing over the essence of the cosmos. IAU decided on Aug. 24, 2006, to reclassify Pluto as a dwarf planet, requiring that a planet must 'clear the neighbourhood around its orbit.' It qualified as a planet under the draft definition but it failed to qualify under the final resolution, passed by the General Assembly of the IAU."

All is fine, but what I belive is that; as per the new scientists, they have discovered Pluto in 1930, but the fact is that it is there in Indian Atrology and in use since then. It has it own implications in a human astrological life. Its not newly discovered, its already been identified as a planet in indian mythology and in astrlogy. All the 9 planets are collectively named as 'Nava Grahas'. And all Hindu's consider them as 9 Gods and we pray them to give us peaceful life. Below is the list of planets and the corrsponding gods representations.

Mercury - Budha
Venus - Sukra
Earth - Bhoomi
Mars - Angaraka
Jupitor - Guru
Saturn - Sani
Neptune - Indra
Pluto - Yama

Earth is feminine thing, so it represented as a female (So called 'Bhoo Devi') while the other planets are masculines. [Note: according the Roman Mythology Venus is represented as Goddess of love and beauty]

For what ever reason they have disqualified it, pluto always remains pluto, and it will deserve its significance. Just because of the definitions nothing will change! It remains forever. I strongly object to let the pluto out of our family!

Get more information from Wikipedia;
Also look at this article on Yahoo Buzz-log that says "The day planets cry..!!"

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