Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Super Man Vs Spider Man

Last week I got a chance to see superman with IMAX 3D experience. I did not see any superman movies/stories ever before, but I feel that it follows the same base story as of spiderman. Both guys are news reporters and do advantures to save people & their lovers.

But I think spidarman advantures are believable and acceptable to some extent, but all the superman advantures are extremly superstituous and unbelievable. Spiderman is a earthly creature, wheare as Superman comes from space. One thing I extremely wondered that the Superman who can even lift the sea-hidden continent to the space; was beaten by the robbers on the same continent; can't he just throw them away just like that..!! I surprised when he gets blood on the hands..!! and I did not understand why did it happend so, for such a super power man..!!. There were laughs around me when something is amazed on the screen. someone says 'Superman also requires oxygen!?.....lol....lol.....!!!!' while he was given oxyzen when he fall-down from the sapce.

In the sense of love what everyone can observe is that super man loves(or likes) a married girl but the spider man fall in love with his next door young girl. Who ever curious about love matters can clearly mind this point! Finally my vote goes to SpidarMan!

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