Monday, October 02, 2006

A First Trip to Space

Its really a fantastic dream to visit space...and it has been achieved by the fist women visitor Anousheh Ansari. She thanked every one who made this trip to International Space Statioin (ISS) possible on 25th september 2006. Anousheh is the first female private space explorer and the first to blog from space at And also you can visit her blog at to watch more videos her space trip.

The three main goals behind her trip are stated:

- As a Space Ambassador, act as a messenger to create public awareness & stimulate grassroots enthusiasm about the virtues of space exploration;

- To inspire youth, and especially girls, around the world to pursue their dreams; and,

- To promote peace and understanding amongst nations as the world’s first Space Ambassador.

So, do you have any dreams to visit space? its not at all difficult now, but expensive..!!!

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